It’s always gratifying to hear from happy clients! Recently we heard from Sarah Kerr at Soccer Shots Knoxville about the ways CareerPlug has made a huge difference in their hiring efforts. From finding and hiring qualified coaches to saving time on recruiting, Soccer Shots Knoxville’s hiring has never been easier. Sarah, take it away!
“At first, I was a little overwhelmed by the program, BUT I QUICKLY got the hang of it and am SO thankful we started using it! The “process” of finding, screening, and interviewing people for our coaching position has been incomparable to any process we have been able to design ourselves. It is so simple, and each step has a PURPOSE and is useful. There is no wasted time or energy; if you follow the steps, you will only get CLOSER to your goal of getting great coaches!
The organization, customization, and ease of the program has been a HUGE time and energy saver. But something CareerPlug has provided us that we had not gotten ANY other way, is volume of applicants! … CareerPlug has recently given us a pool of applicants LARGE enough to where I felt the freedom to be picky and to STICK to our standards, pursuing ONLY the best potential coaches.
Our Coaches ARE Soccer Shots, and CareerPlug has made it possible to stick to our standards, sift through the pool, and discover some AMAZING talent! THANK you to Katie and the CareerPlug team! We are looking forward to adding even more great talent to our team as we need it!”
-Sarah Kerr, Knoxville Director at Soccer Shots